Monday, September 5, 2011

3 Months

So it's been about 3 months since we brought Astrid home from the hospital. Things get more and more interesting every day. New mannerisms seem to happen every minute sometimes. Here are some of the things she has achieved since we last checked in:

*hold her head up straight and steady (2 1/2 months)
*grip things (about 2 months)
*talking baby talk (1 month)
*pushing up on her legs ( 3 weeks)
*recognizing her name and looking at you when you call her (3 months)
*picking up things (2 months)
*holding her head up while laying on her stomach
*rolling over on her back while laying on her stomach
*blowing bubbles

But I know what you're all here for- the pictures. Here you go.

Build a Bunny- first toy (made while in mommy's belly)
Loving on Jeca's home made blanket
All dressed up
Smiling with mommy
Sleeping in the car
Bath time fun
Teething ring time
Sad day! Heat rash
Look what I can eat!