Friday, December 2, 2011

6 Months, a little late

Note: This should have been posted December 2nd, but between my iPhone, my iPad, and my laptop, it got lost in the ether that is the Internet.

Yesterday my baby turned 6 months old. I know, I'm in shock too! We have been so busy being a family that I forgot all about this page. Also, I have been so busy being a student, I was starting to feel like a bad mom. So I'll make this short so I can get back to playing, feeding and diaper changing.

First, really good new. I finished my graduate program. Soon, hopefully in the next 2-3 weeks, I should have my diploma. Second, Astrid is amazingly smart and advanced in some of her development. She isn't crawling and she doesn't want to. She has started pulling herself up to stand, and almost achieving it. Soon she will have teeth and running!

Anyway, you didn't come here to read. You came to view pictures. Are are some great ones:

1 comment:

  1. the cutest baby ever!!! and that gets more points cuz I don't generally like babies!
