Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Bad Mommy Moments #2

So I knew this day was coming and I was still unprepared, and completely shaken when it finally happened.

My kid is a mover and shaker now; not crawling, but surely keeping me and John on our toes. She has been "caught and "saved" many times. This evening, she was not so lucky.

She fell off the bed. With a thud.

I turned my back for a second...

Now don't get all judgmental with me. I'm not a bad or lazy parent. I have to put her somewhere when I'm preparing things, in this case a diaper. One second I tell you, not even two. She is almost seven months old and has never had such an incident. She was just too clever for me today.

She cried. Then she grumbled. Then she started to chat and giggle. I tugged on all her limbs, gently pressed on her skull, and she didn't make a peep. She doesn't have any bruises or bumps. She shouldn't have a concussion, my bed isn't that high. She didn't appear to be dizzy or disoriented. She didn't vomit or show any other signs of trauma. I called my husband. I called my mom. I googled concussions in babies. She is just as Astrid as she was before she fell. I just had a bad, horrible mommy moment.

Looks like the pack 'n play will be put to good use again.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. lol! babies are very fragile yet oddly durable too :) the furniture is going to be a head bruiser for when she starts crawling/trying to walk - watch out!
